Saturday, August 02, 2008

lyme test

So we got the results of Ben's Lyme test Friday afternoon. It was positive so he had to go in and get a shot today and in on antibiotics for the next month but it should clear everything up! Yea! It was in the early stages and they think he got it about 3-4 months ago. So possibly at the father-son camp out. We are doing fine Ben is a little sore but should be feeling alot better with the medication. I have been thinking about how something so small can effect so many different parts of your body! I am just glad we know and it can be taken care of.


Hartson family said...

What a relief to finally have an answer. We hope all healing is quick and painless.

meghan said...

Wow that is to bad.. Hope he gets to feeling better too.

Krista said...

I am glad that you found out what was wrong and that it can be fixed! Hang in there Ben!

About Me

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Iowa, United States
I am the mom of 4 kids 3 boys and 1 girl. I work part time at target and love doing crafts and scrapbooking when I have time. My husband and I have been married for almost 13 years now. We meet in Utah and moved out here so he could finish school and then stayed when he took a job at Tyson(IBP at the time). We love it out here but still miss family out west.